Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out now on PC, and be sure to check out our Character Creation Codes Guide for information on how to import face codes. That's why it's a good idea to make sure you backup both your saves and the Coalesced_INT.bin file before tweaking anything. We also have cheats for this game on : Xbox 360 : PlayStation 3. If you have any cheats or tips for Mass Effect 2 please send them in here. DLCs also included (Zaeed, Kasumi, Normandy Crash Site, Firewalker Pack) Full Guide. It is, however, worth noting that using Mass Effect Legendary Edition cheats at the moment or editing game files yourself could break stuff in your game. Complete guide to Mass Effect 2 with videos and text. If you've a knack for editing game files, you might want to go over their thread and tweak things to your liking. These mods are likely based on the findings shared by Reddit user Tromador. Using them, you'll be able to set your FOV to 90, treat yourself to some XP or additional resources, change your alignment, activate god mode, and more. You can also find separate versions for ME1 and ME2, that assign one command to the function and numpad keys. The Easy Console Commands mod covers all three games, letting players enable a string of Mass Effect Legendary Edition console commands using the numpad keys. The lack of an elegant way of inputting commands hasn't, however, stopped modders from figuring out a way to make use of them. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be "official" support for cheats in the remaster, as players have had a hard time figuring out how to bring up the in-game console.