That didn't happen, unfortunately, but that does give us a great reason to tell you how to make your own enhanced edition of Baldur's Gate. Originally, actually, that was scheduled to release today. We're well aware of a commercial project aiming to achieve that goal. That's why some people would go a great distance modding and upgrading both those titles to combine them into one, seamless, visually updated game-an enhanced edition, if you will. But to say that they didn't age at all might be a bit of a stretch. With countless hours of gameplay, captivating stories, colorful characters, and many memorable locations they're one of the most intense and extensive role-playing experiences you can get while sitting in front of your PC. Lava: If you have some time, there is this survey on in-game romances.Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II remain cult classics not only among D&D fans, but cRPG gamers in general.Kitanna: Just saying hi after 4 years away! got custody of my grandson after fighting for 4 years trying to get back into it now and overwhelmed by all the changes lol.Kitanna: Hey theacefes, good to see your still around.Kitanna: Hey Solaufien! Croos your fingers that Dorian doesn't hurt me.Solaufein: I do check up from time to time.Absolte best tank with -13ac and almost full immunities at the beginning of tob. Crimpson: Playing again for the 100th time.Solaufein: TBG/CoM modders go to the CoM Hosted Mods subforum and read the topic FTP Info.Smiling Imp: Hope everyone is doing well.I wonder how far I'll get before I slam into another brick wall. After a long hiatus, I'm getting the itch to try this again. Now my current computer just decided that it wants to corrupt all my programs.

I think last time I returned I had to salvage my files from a dying computer.